Round 47 of the Active Club Grants scheme (Programs and Equipment) opened on 13 February and will close on 17 April, as will the 2019-20 Community Recreation and Sports Facilities Program (CRSFP).
The Active Club Program provides funding support to assist active recreation and sports clubs to further develop the programs and services they provide within the community, which includes funding new equipment.
In Round 47, $40,000 is notionally available per electorate.
The CRSFP program offers funding for facility development projects and organisations can apply for up to 75% of the total project cost (which can include voluntary labor and/or donated materials and in-kind support).
Special consideration in Round 47 are utility-related projects such as solar panels, water saving initiatives, flood lighting upgrades, universal access change room reburbishments and resurfacing projects and as such organisations can apply for up to 100% of the total project cost for these.
There are minor facility grants on offer between $25,000 - $200,000 and major facility grants from $200,000 - $1 million.
For information on both funding streams offered via the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing visit: