Incorporated, non-profit organisations which work with older people are invited to apply for Grants for Seniors and Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants.
Local councils are also invited to apply for Age Friendly SA Grants.
Grants for Seniors
This program offers up to $5,000 for equipment or materials that stimulate activity and social engagement for older people are available, as well as grants of up to $10,000 for seniors' cultural, social, educational, or active ageing projects.
Positive Ageing Fellowship Grants
This program offers one-off ageing specific grants of up to $40,000 for capability building projects to support older South Australians to age well and that contribute to delivering South Australia's Plan for Ageing Well 2020-2025.
Age Friendly SA Grants
These are one-off grants for local governments of up to $40,000 and up to $60,000 for regional partnerships of at least three local governments, for projects aligning to the Age Friendly SA Strategy key priorities.
Applications for all grants are due by 5 pm on Friday 10 December 2021.
Visit or phone the Office for Ageing Well 08 8204 2420 for guidelines, eligibility and how to apply.