Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP welcomes the signs going up last week indicating imminent shoulder works for the Spencer Highway between Wallaroo and Moonta but questions how government departments prioritise such funding allocations
“It is great to have the investment and more road works, but there are more needy roads than this Wallaroo to Moonta section as it is in good shape in comparison to others”, Mr Ellis said.
“The shoulders of Minlaton to Yorketown for instance, or the Bute to Snowtown Road, or the Minlaton to Port Vincent section are three examples of more hazardous roadways that come to my mind.
“In the interest of road safety, I and other locals would dearly like to see better projects allocation in order of need so those roads in worse shape are not left to deteriorate further at the expenses of others”, Mr Ellis said.
Signage was placed along the Spencer Highway last week, indicating road works will soon commence between Wallaroo and Moonta.
Announced last September, the project is valued at $3.4 million and is for shoulder sealing, audio tactile line marking and pavement rehabilitation.
The works are part of the $10 million over four years in the State Government’s “key safety upgrades package” and are expected to be completed mid-2025.