Fraser is pleased to provide further details about the $266.2 million cost of living relief package announced in last week's State Budget.
Additional Cost of Living Concession payment
The budget provides $51.5 million in 2023-24 to provide a once-off additional Cost of Living Concession payment of $243.90 to all recipients who have received the Cost of Living Concession payment in 2023-24 (which replaced the Council Rate concession a few years ago and helps people on low or fixed incomes with their general living expenses such as council rates, energy and medical bills).
This additional payment will occur in June 2024, providing immediate and targeted support to over 210,000 South Australians at the onset of winter, when energy bills increase for many households.
This additional one-off payment of $243.90 will be paid automatically to all recipients of the 2023-24 Cost of Living Concession (COLC); you don't need to reapply if you received a COLC payment before and your living and income circumstances haven't changed.
The concession can only be paid to one person per household and payment is made once a year directly into your bank account by electronic funds transfer.
For those who haven't applied for the COLC before, you must apply by 31 December to receive the payment for that financial year. It is an online process at: Cost of Living Concession
Tenants and Senior Health Card holders will also receive the $243.90, a significant boost from their existing concession of $122.
The budget also provides $36.6 million over four years to permanently align the Cost of Living Concession payment for around 73,000 eligible tenants and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders to match the payment made to eligible homeowners.
This effectively permanently doubles the Cost of Living Concession for eligible tenants and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders from $127.80 to $255.60 in 2024-25.
For assistance contact the Concessions SA Hotline (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) 1800 307 758 or email [email protected]
Double the number of $100 sports vouchers
$54.6 million over four years has been allocated to double the number of $100 sports vouchers from one to two per child each calendar year, and music lessons will now be eligible.
This means children from Reception to Year 9 can receive two $100 sports vouchers per calendar year to help pay for a range of activities and sports such as football, netball, swimming, hockey, cheerleading, guides and scouts, roller sports and from January 2025, music lessons for the first time.
School Materials and services charge reduced
$24 million to reduce the materials and services charge at government schools by $200, supporting parents and caregivers of 120,000 school children
Energy upgrades
$35.8 million over three years for energy upgrades in 3,500 social houses to deliver efficiency and cost saving benefits to tenants in both public and community housing sectors.
This program to be delivered over three years will provide for insulation improvements and replacement of inefficient appliances.
Economic Recovery Fund
Businesses will benefit from $20 million for Round 2 of the Economic Recovery Fund to support up to 8,000 eligible small businesses and not for profit organisations with grants between $2,500 and $50,000 to invest in energy efficient equipment or other improvements to reduce and manage their energy usage and costs for years to come.
Applications for Round 2 are expected to open in August 2024. Further details on the grant scheme will be available on the Office for Small and Family Business website.