Grants SA programs now open

24 Oct 2019 News

The Liberal Government is encouraging eligible community organisations to apply for grants of up to $100,000 through Grants SA. 


A total of $3 million in grants will be awarded to organisations that deliver programs and services which encourage and support people or communities experiencing disadvantage. 

Minister for Human Services Michelle Lensink encouraged eligible community organisations to apply for a grant. 

"These grants will go a long way in helping our hardworking and deserving community organisations right across South Australia, including our regions," said Minister Lensink.

"We want to support community organisations who support others in our community and encourage those who have innovative ideas and are focused on addressing things like cost of living concerns, preventing domestic, family and sexual violence and promoting disability inclusion. 

"The Liberal Government knows that every little bit helps, and I offer all the organisations and many volunteers our thanks and best wishes on behalf of every South Australian who provides services to our community."

Funds can be used for one-off programs or services, community facility upgrades, or vehicles.

Past grants have been used for projects including refugee social support, inclusive sports for children living with disability and regional arts activities for people with mental illness.

Applications for this round close on 19 November 2019. 

For more information visit or call the Grants SA team on 1300 650 985.