The Jetties Strategic Plan survey is now live on YourSay and constituents and stakeholders are encouraged to contribute to this important review process.
Please access the survey by visiting or alternatively, email, phone or write to the Narungga Electorate Office and we will incorporate your views into a combined submission we lodge as part of the process.
I welcomed the announcement in May by the Marshall Liberal Government that work had commenced on developing a strategic plan to specifically address the vital issue of sustainable management of jetties across the State.
This survey is the next stop in this process of reviewing existing jetty infrastructure, region by region.
There are 18 jetties across the Narungga elecctorate and all are vital pieces of infrastructure of significant economic, recreation and tourism value which must be appropriately maintained.
The storms in November 2016 severely damaged Port Victoria and Port Rickaby jetties and forced their closure for extended periods which well demonstrated the far-reaching impact on regional communities of the loss of jetties and the available recreation from them, which included economic downturns for local businesses and accommodation facilities.
Over time, erosion issues are also impacting our jetties and repairs can cost millions which is a huge challenge facing local council budgets.
The intent of this strategy, and survey, is to forge a path to guide future infrastructure investment decision making and to ensure funds are channelled to priority areas to maximise benefits to the community and business.
Questions in the survey relate to how our jetties are used and valued, and your input is vital.
For more information call the Narungga Electorate office at Maitland on 88322 455 or email [email protected]