Heritage Grant programs open

04 Nov 2021

Round 4 of the Heritage Conservation Grants Program is now open to receive applications and will close at 2:00pm on Friday 10 December 2021


If you own a State Heritage Place or a place within a State Heritage Area and are planning a conservation project that will help to conserve or protect significant fabric or heritage values, you may be eligible to receive a Heritage Conservation Grant. To find out more about Heritage Conservation Grant eligibility and criteria, please visit www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/heritage/heritage-grants

Funding is provided on a dollar-for-dollar basis and is available for private owners, companies, local councils & community groups who are owners of State Heritage Places, and owners or businesses within a State Heritage Area. State Heritage Places owned by the State Government are not eligible.

In the current grant round, on offer is $250,000 of funding for heritage conservation grants, along with a further $250,000 towards a pilot grant program for heritage tourism grants. 

The latter pilot program will provide grants that allow owners of state heritage places to preserve these assets, along with adapting them for tourism opportunities to showcase the value of these places to our community.