South Australian recreational fishers have the chance to get involved in the creation of the new Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council.
Nominations will open on Monday 17 December for fishers interested in being on the new council, with voting for candidates commencing on 18 February 2019.
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said this was an exciting opportunity for South Australia’s community of recreational fishers.
“We have a strong community of recreational fishers in South Australia and I know how passionate they are about fishing,” said Minister Whetstone.
“The creation of the new Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council is an election commitment of which the fishing community is very supportive.
“We consulted publicly earlier this year and received overwhelming support for how the Council might be formed and operate.
“Now is your chance to get involved and nominate to be on the Council to represent recreational fishers in our State.
“Whether you take a boat out, fish off the beach or jetty, or throw a line in the Murray or a reservoir, I encourage every fisher to consider putting their hand up for one of the five positions available on the Council.
“We want a diversity of voices to provide feedback and advice to government on recreational fishing issues.”
The Council will consist of eight members: one member from each of Recfish SA, FishinSA and the South Australian Fishing Alliance, and five individuals directly elected by the South Australian recreational fishing community.
The Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council will provide feedback and advice to government on recreational fishing development issues and initiatives and big picture policy issues that impact the recreational fishing sector.
To nominate, vote or sign up for updates, go to
Nominate: Put your hand up to join the council – nominations are open from 9am 17 Dec 2018 until 9am 11 February 2019.
Vote: Check out the candidates and cast your vote – voting is open from 9am 18 Feb 2019 until 9am 18 March 2019.