Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP welcomes the formal calling of submissions expected in coming days by the Parliament of South Australia’s Economic and Finance Committee for the “Inquiry on the Delivery of Health Services on the Yorke Peninsula”.
This long-awaited Inquiry which Mr Ellis successfully referred for review in the Parliament in September, was triggered by his health petition launched two years ago (and subsequently circulated and lodged in November last year) which carried the more than 10,000 signatures required to force investigation, under law, of the petition requests made.
“This was the largest petition ever undertaken in our electorate’s history, with near 11,000 people signing it, and to have it referred to the Parliament’s Economic and Finance Committee for investigation is also a ground-breaking first”, Mr Ellis said.
“I emphasise that this outcome would not have been possible without the support of a lot of community-minded people across the Narungga electorate who signed and circulated sheets and did so because they care about country health care.
“Thank you all -- it was a huge undertaking and it is now our time to have our say and participate in the Inquiry by lodging submissions or attending a hearing”, Mr Ellis said.
He said he was pleased to have been advised hat submissions are to be received up until early February (date to be confirmed) giving locals plenty of time to participate, albeit during a busy Christmas period and over harvest.
“But the timing will also capture the attention of our thousands of visitors who holiday in our patch who may also wish to share their experiences of local health service delivery, in support of all who permanently reside and live in our electorate”, Mr Ellis said.
“I encourage all who have had a noteworthy interaction with our local health – good or bad – to make a submission. We need to make sure that the decision makers know what is working for us and what needs to change.”
Mr Ellis said that whilst not all the petition requests are to be investigated under the formal terms of reference just released (including, notably, the request for a Minister for Regional Health to be appointed and equitable GP distribution considerations), he was especially pleased the classification of the Wallaroo Hospital and the inclusion of Port Pirie Hospital in the same network are under specific review.
“It is not an exaggeration to say that regional health care is the issue about which I get approached the most in the street, is the subject of a majority of meetings I have in my office and, personally, the primary reason I was inspired to run for parliament in the first place”, Mr Ellis said.
“Regional hospitals must be relied upon to provide appropriate care, and Wallaroo Hospital especially, being our region’s major facility, desperately needs an upgrade and more beds and staff.
“Getting the more than 10,000 signatures needed to trigger this Inquiry was our first major step, and next came successfully getting it referred to the Economic and Finance Committee for consideration.
“The next big step is ensuring many submissions are received to appropriately demonstrate the need for system change.
“I am so very pleased this Inquiry has come to fruition and I now implore participation by as many people as possible”, Mr Ellis said.
The formal Terms of Reference for the Inquiry on the Delivery of Health Services on the Yorke Peninsula are as follows:
- The classification of the Wallaroo Hospital;
- The most appropriate Local Health Network coverage of the Port Pirie Hospital;
- Factors impacting the delivery of health services on the Yorke Peninsula and especially in relation to access and equity; and
- Any other matter relating to health services on the Yorke Peninsula
Once the Inquiry is formally opened (expected in a matter of days, stay tuned), any person or organisation wishing to make a submission to the Committee will be invited to do so by writing to: The Parliamentary Officer, Economic and Finance Committee, GPO Box 572, Adelaide SA 5001, or emailing: [email protected]
It is also expected a hearing will additionally be held, on Yorke Peninsula, with details to come.