Round 3 SA Heritage Grant Program open

15 Dec 2020

Round 3 of the SA Heritage Grants Program is now open and will close on 26 February 2021.

The success of the first two rounds of grant funding has been outstanding, with the fund over-subscribed on each occasion. 

The Marshall Liberal Government is committed to the preservation and protection of our heritage sites, and the additional $250,000 of funding for Round 3 will allow  owners of state heritage places - including private individuals, community groups and local government -- to take advantage of this opportunity. 

Applicants are invited to apply for up to $20,000 of grant funding, depending on the category of works to be undertaken, such as conservation works or preparation of relevant architectural plans. 

Applications can be submitted through the Grant Management System:

To find out more about the SA Heritage Grants Program, read the heritage grant fact sheet and application guide .

In order to submit an application, you must have received advice from a heritage professional and have up-to-date quotes ready to attach to your application.

The SA Heritage Grants Program has been in operation since 2018. $500,000 worth of grants has been provided to help undertake conservation work or documentation on South Australia’s State heritage-listed places.

The provision of this grant funding has helped unlock over $3.2 million of investment into South Australia’s heritage and ensures these significant places are preserved for the future.

Discover more about some of the past projects here .

If you own a State Heritage Place or a place in a State Heritage Area and are planning a conservation project that will help to conserve or protect significant fabric or heritage values, you may be eligible to receive a SA heritage grant. As well as the urgency and importance of conservation work, other aspects that may be considered when allocating funding includes the extent to which the project contributes to:

  • the community - works with ‘public good’ component
  • heritage tourism - works that will result in increased visitation of a Place or Area
  • heritage trades and training - works that use traditional trades and skills and/or support specialised training
  • adaptive reuse - conservation works that support compatible new uses or continued use of a Place
  • places at risk - works to prevent further deterioration and conserve fabric at risk
  • remote and very remote places - works that support the regions.

Funding is provided on a dollar-for-dollar basis and is available for private owners, companies, local councils & community groups who are owners of State Heritage Places, and owners or businesses within a State Heritage Area. State Heritage Places owned by the State Government are not eligible.

Round 3 will be open from 12 December 2020 until 26 February 2021. No late applications can be considered. Applications must be submitted through the Grant Management System at the following link:

If you have any questions regarding the program please call Kirsty Nield on 8124 4861 or email [email protected]

To help you find the right person to undertake your conservation work, visit Heritage SA Register of Heritage Trades and Consultants.