The Mental Health Coalition of South Australia has been funded by SA Health (Rural and Remote Mental Health Services) to allocate small grants of up to $1,000 to support promotional activities planned throughout rural and regional SA to mark Mental Health Week on 7-11 October.
Mental Health Week aims to:
- Build community awareness, knowledge and understanding of mental health
- Reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health problems and mental illness
Grant Information:
Funding applications are invited from government and non-government mental health service providers and community organisations for activities and events during Mental Health Week in regional SA that aim to promote mental health, wellbeing and stigma reduction in the local community.
Applicants are encouraged to develop activities that communicate the message with the general public. All communication materials (including publications, posters, brochures, PowerPoint presentations, media releases, advertisements, web sites, merchandise, exhibitions, event materials) that make reference to SA Health or grant funding from SA Health must be checked by the Marketing and Communications Unit prior to publication.
Projects that demonstrate collaboration and partnership, with participation from a number of organisations in one area will be well regarded.
The allocation process will aim to ensure good coverage across all regions of country SA.
The amount available for each application is up to $1000.
Demonstration of strong in-kind and/or cash contributions from the applicant and partners will benefit your application.
Rural Grant application forms are available from the MHCSA website,, on the Mental Health Week page.
The assessment process may include short listed applicants being contacted for further details.
Successful applicants will be required to complete an evaluation report on their Mental Health Week 2019 funded project. The Rural Grants Evaluation form will ask you to provide the following information:
Description of project/event, project partners, attendance numbers, copies of media coverage and promotional materials, benefits to local consumers, carers, workers and general community and actual expenditure against your budget. Copies of photographs of the project/event should also be included in your evaluation.
Closing date for applications is 23 August 2019