The Parliamentary Select Committee established in March by the House of Assembly to inquire into and report on land access regimes relating to mining exploration and mining under the Mining Act 1971 has scheduled a public hearing in Ardrossan for Friday, 2 July.
Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP is an appointed member of this committee, chaired by Hon. Geoff Brock MP and comprising Member for Giles Eddie Hughes MP, Member for West Torrens Hon. Tom Koutsantonis MP, Member for Flinders Peter Treloar MP and Member for Davenport Steve Murray MP.
The public hearing provides opportunity for those who have made written submissions to directly speak to committee members, specifically addressing the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference.
“This is an important Inquiry that is exploring avenues for improved frameworks on land access to mitigate the conflict between farming and mining which I have long advocated for, and a pleasing number of submissions were lodged during the consultation period including from local farming families and the Yorke Peninsula Landowners Group”, Mr Ellis said.
“This is a vital opportunity for the people invited to provide evidence of their first-hand experience dealing with mining companies seeking access to their property.
“I was also pleased to ensure Ardrossan was one of three towns selected to stage a public hearing, the other two venues being Wudinna and Tumby Bay”.
Formal presentations will be heard by the Committee, and if time permits the Committee will call for statements from a public gallery.
The hearing will be held at Ardrossan Football Club at 10.45 am, Friday 2 July 2021.
Further information can be obtained from the Select Committee on Land Access Secretary, Mr Shannon Riggs 08 8237 9442 or email [email protected]