There are two additional grant programs are available to support tourism operators to activate nature-based and heritage-based tourism initiatives: the Nature-based Tourism Small Grants Program and the Heritage Tourism Grants Program.
Many operators may be eligible for both grant programs, and can choose to apply for both grants or only one.
Applications for both funds close on 2 pm, Friday 3 December 2021.
The Nature‐based Tourism Small Grants Program
The $300,000 Nature‐based Tourism Small Grants Program is aligned with the Nature‐based Tourism Co-investment Fund.
The Small Grants Program will provide grants of $2,000 to $15,000 for small-scale and innovative projects to support tourism activation in South Australia. This could include creating new or enhancing existing tourism experiences, including seasonal or pop-up experiences, as well as tourism or regional events in parks and public places.
The Small Grants Program provides funding get these ideas off the ground, without the need to provide matching cash funds, which is a requirement for larger grants under the Nature-based Tourism Co-investment Fund.
Heritage Tourism Grants Program
The $250,000 Heritage Tourism Grants program is intended to accelerate the development of heritage tourism experiences and stimulate investment into heritage places.
Grants of up to $50,000 will support projects that enable the activation and use of State Heritage-listed Places, Local Heritage-listed Places or State Heritage areas for tourism purposes. These grants will be provided on a matched funding basis.
The program is a key initiative of the South Australian Government's Growing Our Heritage Future Strategy and Action Plan, which was launched on 30 April 2021.
For guidelines and how to apply visit: Small tourism grants