South Australia's first State Disability Inclusion Plan

07 Aug 2019

The Liberal Government wants to hear from people with a disability, their families and carers and anyone interested in promoting the inclusion of people with disability to create South Australia's first State Disability Inclusion Plan.

The four-year plan, which will be finalised later this year, aims to improve access and inclusion across the community for people with disability.

Minister for Human Services Michelle Lensink said the Liberal Government is committed to improving access and inclusion for all South Australians.

“The plan is a much-needed step for all people with disability and will list outcome areas to specifically improve access and inclusion,” said Minister Lensink.

“In March and April this year we consulted with South Australians on what was important to them and asked them to share their ideas for how to make SA more inclusive.

“We are now coming back to the community to share what we heard and seek further feedback on our priorities and ideas for change, to help us develop our state plan.

“We are proposing the plan include four themes – leading and collaborating in decision making, inclusive communities for all, accessible communities and learning and employment.

“We heard from more than 380 people at forums, online, over the phone and through written submissions. They shared more than 1,000 ideas and 240 actions with us, and we have put them together into this draft plan.

“Overwhelmingly, the feedback we heard from people was that they want to live in a community where their voices are heard and respected, where they have opportunities to contribute, feel safe, are valued and treated equally, regardless of their abilities.

“We are committed to promoting an inclusive community where everyone can participate in social, economic and civic life.

“To help us finalise the plan, members of the public will have four weeks to provide any further comments on the draft plan content online, via email, phone or post.

To read the draft plan and share your views on what shape the first State Disability Inclusion Plan should take, visit by 30 August 2019.

The plan is a direct result of the Disability Inclusion Act 2018, which was the first Bill passed by the Marshall Government and aims to support people with disability to fulfil their potential as citizens.

The Act provides a legal framework to support equal access and participation for people with disability in the community including in recreation, education, health, employment and transport.