To safely facilitate construction of the new intersection of the Coast Coast Highway and Augusta Highway as part of the works underway for the $124.5 million Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication Project, northbound and southbound traffic will be temporarily diverted onto the newly constructed southbound lanes of the Augusta Highway.
This temporary traffic arrangement will come into effect after Wednesday, 3 November 2021, for approximately three months, weather permitting.
Once complete, the project team will be able to finalise the overpass and prepare for opening to traffic.
Northbound and southbound traffic will be directed to the newly constructed southbound lanes from just south of the Wakefield River Bridge to just north of the overpass.
The slip lane for northbound Port Wakefield Highway traffic to the Copper Coast Highway will be closed during these works, with access maintained further north at the existing Copper Coast Highway and Augusta Highway junction.
To safely undertake these works, speed and lane restrictions will be in place during the works.
Signage will be in place to alert motorists to the changed traffic conditions.