Welcome action on beach camping at Wauraltee

06 Dec 2024

Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP congratulates the government on taking action preventing more environmental damage at Wauraltee beach where recent rising numbers of campers clearly outweigh the provision of suitable amenities.


“I have raised this issue in the chamber four times since June last year, such has been the influx of caravans and camping directly on Wauraltee beach at unsustainable levels.

“It is no surprise that people all over the State and our nation want to visit our beautiful beaches and we love having them.

But when there are up to 470 cars and caravans counted on one stretch of beach with scant ablution amenities, the rubbish and pollution build up is far too much for the dunes and native flora and fauna and clearly something had to be done. “

Mr Ellis strongly believes closing YP beaches to traffic is not the answer and is pleased that the new regulations do not stop vehicles driving onto the beach for recreation and to launch boats.

“What is now not to be permitted at Wauraltee and Second Beach is the overnight camping directly on the sand, with this change taking effect from 3rd February”, Mr Ellis said.

“This timeline allows for signage and education over the summer period ahead of us, and in my view is a commonsense outcome”.

Mr Ellis said he hopes the camping restrictions at Wauraltee does not just shift the problem to other beaches, and encourages visitors to use the designated camping spots that remain available back off the beach.

“I don’t support a ban on vehicles going on our beaches but such has been the unprecedented influx of campers at Wauraltee, especially with large caravans and trailers, there was little choice but to place some restrictions.

“In the future I would like a plan formulated to improve amenities at such popular beach sites that appropriately cater for the numbers and safeguard the plants and animals, rather than impose restrictions”, Mr Ellis said.