Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP was today appointed to a newly established SA Parliament Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, looking at its development and deployment and potential economic, social, and ethical implications for South Australia.
“The terms of reference for this Inquiry includes consideration of economic and social implications but also specific potential capacity to transform sectors critical to our economy such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing and services,” Mr Ellis said.
“Artificial Intelligence is here to stay, and of agriculture in particular looks to have a role to play in such things as machinery, temperature, and moisture sensoring, increased use of drones to analyse nutrition and soils, and experiments in robotics for improved harvesting efficiencies.
“Such inquiries provide important evidence and analysis and I am pleased to be involved in this work and to work with colleagues from Labor, Liberal, the Greens and the crossbench,” Mr Ellis said.
Public participation is encouraged, with the Select Committee timeframes for submissions and public hearings to be advertised in due course.
“I encourage participation in this Inquiry via lodging a submission or constituents contacting me with any views they may wish to raise,” Mr Ellis said.
Mr Ellis was also appointed to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis last March, with this research work well underway.
“The terms of reference for the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis committee specifically references legal frameworks and approaches in other jurisdictions including looking at implications for justice, health and the economy.
“It is a complex legislative area and whilst the time to lodge formal submissions to the committee closed on 28 April, I encourage constituents with any views on medicinal cannabis to contact me.
“All submissions are publicly available and can be viewed at the SA Parliament website - .”
SA Parliament today rose for a seven-week Winter break, to next sit on Tuesday 29 August.