Country Arts SA funding for regional artists

30 Sep 2022

Country Arts SA’s Elevate Grant Program supports regional SA artists and arts groups to present new work to regional audiences.




The Elevate Grant Program offers artists opportunities in all artforms, including a spotlight on digital practice as well as a focus on supporting new work by First Nations artists and groups, artists and groups of colour, artists and groups with a disability and LGBTQIA+ artists and groups.

There are four funding streams:

Local & Live: grants of up to $2,000 to support regional performing artists to present their work at a regional South Australia venue or Country Arts SA arts centre

Explore: grants of up to $10,000 for regional artists to develop or explore new skills/ideas in residence in regional South Australia for up to 4 weeks

Create: grants of up to $30,000 for regional artists/arts groups to create new work in regional South Australia

Present: a grant of up to $50,000 to present work made by regional artists in regional South Australia

The Elevate Grants program opened on 19 September and will close 24 October 2022

For guidelines and further information visit Elevate Grants