COVID-19 restrictions update

25 May 2020

Update on Step 2 restrictions

The great success South Australia has achieved in flattening the curve means that we have the confidence to gradually and carefully lift the restrictions in South Australia.


In Step 2, a number of important activities can recommence, including:

  • Restaurants, cafes, pubs and wineries
  • Hospitality
  • Cinemas
  • Theatres
  • Galleries and museums
  • Beauty salons, nail salons, tattoos, massage
  • Gyms and indoor fitness

In Step 2, there will be a 20 person maximum per room, with venues allowed to go up to a maximum of 80 people, provided they comply with the requirement of 1 person per four square metres. This does not include staff.

We will be increasing the numbers that can attend funerals to a maximum of 50.

Sport is also significantly enhanced, we will be allowing contact training for outdoor sport, with competition to commence from 25 June. Indoor sport can commence non-contact training

For hospitality, patrons will need to be seated at a table to consume alcohol, but can do so without food.

We will be bringing Step 2 forward to Monday 1 June.

Thanks to the people of South Australia for observing the restrictions that have been put in place so far.

Further information and detail, including an online form to complete your COVID-Safe Plan will be available from www. from 26 May 2020, or call the Maitland Electorate office 88322 455.