Fresh from the recent news Yorke Peninsula visitor numbers have reached a record annual economic value of $319 million (up 33% on pre-pandemic levels), by all accounts we again had a very busy Easter across our region. Well done to all operators who so well serve as our local ambassadors, and best wishes for all involved in our next major events – the Masters Games in April and the 50th anniversary Kernewek Lowender in May.
Health Petition
Thank you to all who continue to visit the office to sign the health petition and to all businesses across the electorate who continue to have petition sheets in their premises. We have about 7,200 signatures and need to reach 10,000 signatures in order to trigger the parliamentary action we seek. It cannot be overstated how important our health services are in our region; please visit for more information about what I’m specifically calling for, or call or email my office for advice on how to sign the petition if you haven’t already done so.
Underway Australia Post review of services
I remind those who are keen to see changes to Australia Post delivery services in their area to participate in public consultation now occurring between now and 26 April (visit for more information or call or email my office). Whilst the underway review is specifically looking at how Australia Post can modernise its services yet financially survive in an increasingly digitalised economy, my office is also compiling a list of residents/addresses specifically seeking expansion of mail home delivery services into their street as this is a topic I am regularly contacted about. If you do not receive mail street delivery but would like to, please visit my office or phone 88322455 or email [email protected]
Is bond money still owing to you?
If you’ve rented a home in South Australia in the past but are yet to receive the bond refund, it might be because your bank or contact details have changed, or you haven’t cashed the refund cheque sent to your last known address.
Consumer and Business Services (CBS) are currently contacting people to help them reunite with old bond money. If you receive such a contact, you can check it is not a scam by phoning CBS on 131 882, or by visiting the CBS Bond Status Register (more information at