The Narungga Electorate Office opened the new year in its new location at 37 Graves Street Kadina and we’ve been busy every day since. Whilst we’re yet to finish furnishing the reception area and interview room, judging by the increased foot traffic that we are welcoming visitors appear to appreciate the spacious, conveniently located, functional new office.
Snapper stocks soon replenished
I welcomed the announcement last week that more than 300,000 fingerlings are to soon be released into Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent as part of our government’s $500,000 restocking program to help snapper stocks recover from critically low levels.
I visited SARDI’s West Beach facility last Wednesday to see the fingerlings successfully raised from adult stock collected from the gulfs last year, and I hope to also see a first batch released from Ardrossan in coming days.
The ban on snapper fishing has been extremely distressing for professional and recreational fishers alike and the sooner stocks are healthy enough to revoke the ban, the better.
Looking to hire an apprentice or trainee?
In response to a local business survey my office undertook late last year gauging interest in attending a forum offering information about hiring new apprentices and trainees and what current government incentives are available, I advise an information session has been arranged for this Friday, 22nd January (11 am, Copper Coast Sport and Leisure Centre, Doswell Tce Kadina) to which any interested business owners are welcome to attend. Representatives from Skills SA will be on hand to provide specific advice and to explain all processes. Numbers are limited; please RSVP to the Narungga electorate office asap (preferably by close of business Wednesday 20 January).
Apply for surplus government computers
The next round of the Digital Donation Program is now open, created to assist community-based, not-for-profit organisations apply for surplus government computers and laptops.
Eligible organisations include not-for-profits, local government, progress associations and groups incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 1985, Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 or Local Government Act 1999.
Visit for application guidelines or call the Narungga electorate office for help.
Be mindful the program is only open for one month and will close on Friday 12 February 2021.