Regional Event Fund Round 2 is open

10 Aug 2022

The South Australian Tourism Commission, through its events arm, Events South Australia, manages the Regional Event Fund which is designed to grow the state's regional events calendar by encouraging the development of new events, growing existing events and driving increased visitation and economic stimulus to the regional economy.

The 2022-23 Regional Events Fund has two application rounds. Round 1 was open for applications from 28 January to 22 April 2022 to support events staged from 1 September 2022 to 30 August 2023. Round 2 opened on 1 August 2022 and closes on 30 September 2022, for events staged between December 2022 and August 2023. 

There are four categories: 

SIGNIFICANT EVENT FUNDING (from $50,000): up to three years' funding for new large scale signature events that have the potential to be nationally or internationally significant and which provide substantial visitation, media and profiling opportunities and economic impact for South Australia

ESTABLISHED EVENT FUNDING ($20,000-$50,000): up to three years' funding for events that can demonstrate a strong track record of growth and a strategy for event innovation

DEVELOPMENT FUNDING ($10,000-$20,000): up to three years' funding for events that demonstrate potential for growth and development

EMERGING EVENT FUNDING ($5,000-$10,000): up to two years funding for events that are one to three years young, with a focus on smaller community events

Applications for Significant Event Funding will be accepted year-round. 

For further information, including guidelines and eligibility criteria, visit: