Review into new Planning Code welcomed

08 Aug 2022 media release

Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP has today welcomed the news a review of the new planning code is to commence, and encourages constituents and councils to make submissions to benefit our community.


“The change in design code was intended to simplify the process for applicants and councils, unfortunately there is evidence that hasn’t necessarily been the case in all instances and we now have an opportunity to provide suggestions to improve the system", Mr Ellis said.

“I’ll be doing a stock take of the queries that have come through our office to survey if there are opportunities to provide constructive feedback.

“If there are any other suggestions from those in our community that have had interactions with the system that they believe should be enacted I would encourage you to make a submission.

“We would be more than happy to help do so if you would like to contact the office.”

The review of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the implementation of the Planning and Design Code was an election commitment of the Malinauskas Labor Government. 

It will be undertaken with the assistance of an Expert Panel chaired by experienced urban geographer and town planner Mr John Stimson, and its scope will include the following:

  • The Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016; 
  • The Planning and Design Code (and related instruments) as it relates to infill policy, trees, character, heritage and car parking; 
  • The e-planning system with a view to ensuring that it is delivering an efficient and user-friendly process and platform; and
  • The PlanSA website with a view to ensuring its usability and access to information by the community

There are three ways to participate in the process: 

via email -- [email protected]

Via Post -- Attention: Expert Panel, GPO Box 1815 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Via phone -- 08 7133 3222

Further information regarding the Expert Panel is available on the PlanSA website at