Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP is pleased to advise 14 preschools and 16 government schools across the Narungga electorate have been allocated grant funding to be spent during the 2021 calendar year on urgent maintenance projects on their sites.
“This investment in our schools is an important economic stimulus initiative which will provide work for local tradespeople and create jobs for local small businesses, whilst delivering improvements to all schools across the electorate.
“All preschools are to receive a $30,000 grant to undertake further priority maintenance work, and this money is in addition to the $20,000 grants these sites received earlier this year.
“Government Primary, Area and High Schools are also to receive grants of between $20,000 and $100,000 as announced last week in the 2020/21 budget, to undertake priority maintenance work, and what is especially good about this funding is that the schools decide how the money is spent and the work is to be rolled out quickly,” Mr Ellis said.
The size of the grant allocations are dependent on the size of the school and whether the school is benefiting from infrastructure investment in the State Government’s underway $1.3 billion program of major capital works, or if it has benefited from other recent capital infrastructure investment.
Local preschools to receive a $30,000 grant from the 2020/21 Budget are:
- Ardrossan & Districts Community Kindergarten
- Bute and District Kindergarten
- Central Yorke Early Learning Centre
- Kadina Preschool Centre
- Mallala Preschool
- Minlaton District Early Learning Centre
- Moonta Kindergarten
- Point Pearce Child Parent Centre
- Port Broughton Kindergarten
- Port Wakefield Kindergarten
- Snowtown School Based Preschool
- Wallaroo Preschool Centre
- Warooka Child Parent Centre
- Yorketown Community Children’s Centre.
Local government schools to receive a Maintenance Grant to undertake priority maintenance work in 2021 are:
- Ardrossan Area School $100,000
- Bute Primary School $30,000
- Central Yorke School $100,000
- Curramulka Primary School $30,000
- Kadina Memorial School $20,000
- Mallala Primary School $60,000
- Minlaton District School $100,000
- Moonta Area School $20,000
- Port Broughton Area School $100,000
- Port Wakefield Primary School $30,000
- Snowtown Primary School $60,000
- Stansbury Primary School $30,000
- Wallaroo Mines Primary School $60,000
- Wallaroo Primary School $60,000
- Warooka Primary School $60,000
- Yorketown Area School $100,000
Total investment: $1.38 million